Expense Pre-Approval & Cash Advance Request


  1. Requests must be submitted 5-days in advance (please contact your advisor to expedite this process).
  2. All requests must be approved by your respective advisor.
  3. Detailed receipts correlated to an expense or cash advance must be submitted by the third day of the following month. For example, receipts for a cash advance that occurred in June must be submitted by July 3rd. Your expenses must be accompanied by pictures of ALL original itemized receipts and/or documentation substantiating each expense.
  4. Cash advances must be associated with a PRE-APPROVED line item on the recruitment budget. If an expense has not already been pre-approved, then you should complete the below form requesting approval.
  5.  Any intention to falsify a request will be grounds for a KAI Board referral with alumni recommendation for suspension.
  6. Questions regarding these policies and procedures should be directed to your respective advisor.
  7. You will receive an email from your advisor once your request has been approved.